This page will help you get started with OpticOdds. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Welcome to the OpticOdds API!

If you have any questions, please post in the discussion section.

You'll need a license key to use OpticOdd's API. You can get one by filling out the contact form.

Recommended approach

  1. Go through the Common section to get a sense of the common resources we have, this includes but is not limited to Sports, Leagues, Sportsbooks, and Markets.
  2. After you have looked over that, take a tour through the Squads section, this has information about teams and players.
  3. The Fixtures section has information about any upcoming and past games, if you are interested in getting real time odds, this section is crucial.
  4. Odds contains any endpoints that can be used to get current odds as well as any historical odds.
  5. If you are looking for scores and player results, you can find the information in the Results section.
  6. Looking for settlement resources, the Grader section has what you need!