
Ask a Question

Betcris UFC

will there ever be betcris UFC available?

How to decided winner for half and quarter odds.

How can we decide the winner for 1st half and 2nd half odds

Incorrect data from Draftkings

Data provided for race to 20 points and race to 30 points for the nfl is incorrect. The neither selection is showing odds from race to 20 points 2nd quarter while the other odds provided are from race to 20 points. This also occurs for race to 30 points and for race to 10 points I believe.

Fanduel missing data

/fixtures/odds is not returning an data for fanduel.

i want to check the odds for 1 day demo


Odds off the board

Does a regular api call include off the board stuff? And in the stream does locked-odds mean off the board?


Odds Stream market parameter

In the odds stream, what the default for the market parameter? all markets?


Api error code list

Can someone please add the complete list of API error codes? This will make it easier for developers to handle errors properly during development.


Historical Live-betting Odds (UFC)

Hey there,


api key

i cant find anywhere to get a api key, i receive a mail but itn't say any about about api key